ADHD Diagnosis — Melbourne

If you’re seeking an ADHD diagnosis, our Melbourne psychology clinic can help. At DKM Psychology, we understand the importance of receiving a detailed and thorough ADHD assessment, and our Melbourne team is here to support you every step of the way. We utilise a comprehensive approach to assess and diagnose ADHD so you can go on to manage your symptoms effectively and get the support you need.

How We Can Help?

We provide thorough ADHD testing to help Melbourne residents better understand their behaviour and feel empowered to ask for help when they need it. Our psychologists have extensive experience in assessing and diagnosing a range of neurodevelopmental conditions and can provide in-depth psychological testing for ADHD in both adults and children.

If our psychologists determine you meet the criteria for ADHD, we can support you with an official diagnosis and will work with you to determine the most appropriate treatment options moving forward. Our treatment options and ongoing support services include:

  • Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)

  • ADHD psychoeducation

  • Support and counselling for individuals with ADHD

  • Resources and support for parents/guardians

  • Psychiatrist recommendations for ADHD medication

Our ADHD Assessment Process

At DKM Psychology, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide patients with thorough ADHD assessments and accurate diagnoses. The entire assessment process can take anywhere between 8-20 hours and will span over multiple sessions.

We will begin by conducting an initial interview with your child and/or yourself. During this interview, we will gather information about the presenting symptoms, how long these symptoms have occurred, and the challenges they create. This will help us determine if ADHD may be contributing to the difficulties you or your child is facing.

After this interview, we will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, gathering information from multiple sources. This may include obtaining school reports, reviewing work records, and taking you through questionnaires or rating scales to assess the prevalence of your ADHD symptoms. We may also request information from parents, teachers, healthcare providers, or other relevant individuals in your life to gain a broader, more detailed understanding of your functioning; there is also an option to arrange a school observation for your child.

To ensure you receive an accurate ADHD diagnosis, our Melbourne psychologists will also take care to rule out any other possible explanations for your symptoms. There are several other conditions that can present with similar symptoms to ADHD, such as certain anxiety disorders, learning disabilities, and mood disorders.

As a result, it’s important we consider all possibilities and rule out any alternatives before confirming an ADHD diagnosis. This is achieved by administering cognitive and psychological tests to increase diagnostic confidence that the concerns being experienced are not due to intellectual capacity or mental health.

Once we have gathered the evidence and information to make a confident diagnosis, we will produce a personalised report detailing our findings and the outcome of your ADHD assessment.

Common Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

If you suspect you or your child has ADHD, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional who can provide an accurate, more comprehensive overview of the condition. It’s perfectly normal to sometimes feel restless, distracted, and impulsive, especially when experiencing health problems, times of emotional distress, or a lack of sleep. However, for people with ADHD, these symptoms are persistent and lifelong, typically starting before the age of 12.

ADHD symptoms can differ depending on your age and the type of ADHD you have (inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, or combined type). While the official list of symptoms is more exhaustive, we recommend seeking an ADHD assessment if you or your child has experienced several of the following symptoms for over six months:

  • A tendency to start but not finish tasks

  • Becoming easily distracted or often referred to as a “daydreamer”

  • Difficulty organising certain tasks or activities

  • Trouble timekeeping

  • A tendency to lose belongings

  • A lack of attention to detail/making careless mistakes

  • Excessive fidgeting or squirming

  • Difficulty paying attention/listening to others

  • Interrupting conversations or cutting people off mid-sentence

  • Calling out answers to unfinished questions

  • Reacting impulsively and failing to consider consequences

  • Engaging in risky or dangerous behaviour

  • Difficulty maintaining relationships in adulthood

  • Avoiding “mundane” tasks such as cleaning, assignments, hygiene routines, etc.

  • Fatigue and/or problems maintaining a healthy sleep schedule

  • Difficulty managing your physical and/or emotional health

Contact DKM Psychology Today

If you’re experiencing signs of ADHD, it’s important to remember you’re not alone and support is available to help you better understand your condition and manage your symptoms. Whether you want an ADHD assessment for your child or you’re seeking a diagnosis as an adult with ADHD, our Melbourne psychologists can provide the answers you’re looking for.